
This is a list of my favorite sites. This is not an exhaustive list. I'll try to check regularly that the links are not broken.


Marc BAREILLE X-ASM1 clone, Modules, Theremin, Tube analogue synth
Jorgen BERGFORS An impressive hardware work !
Dave BROWN MOTM modular and other stuff
Jeff BROWN AKA Guitarfool ! An impressive modular based on various kits. The man makes his own silkscreen panels !
Ian FRITZ Analogue Physical Modelling Synthesizer and Chaos generators! Very interesting circuits and infos.
Juergen HAIBLE The reference in SDIY ! Original designs and awesome clones !
Matthias HERMANN The fonik modular project
Osamu HOSHUYAMA Inventive circuits ! Not for beginners.
Dave HYLANDER Schematics and service manuals.
Scott JUSKIW MOTM porium and some original designs
Andrew KILPATRICK Build your own LASER harp and feel like Jean-Michel Jarre or Bernard Szajner...
Mikael MORUP
René SCHIMDTZ A nice compilation of VCOs and modules. Check out his Tube Synth Project too.
Jorgen SCHIMTZ FORMANT based modular and some weird chaos based modules
Roman SOWA The polish modular synth DIYer! Nice little MIDI keyboard controllers.
Scott STITES The diary of a SDIYer. Interesting, with plenty of sound clips.
Ken STONE A nice collection of unique and inspiring modules. Check out his Tube Synth Project too.
Motohiko TAKEDA Mostly in Japanese but some pages are in English. A nice collection of schematics though.
Carsten TOENSMANN Formant Pro-2000 based modular and original sequencer
Ray WILSON Complete schematics and PCB layouts for building a modular synth and the great MiniSoundLab. Nice design, good DIY stuff!

Kits & PCBs

DISCLAIMER (usual legal crap) : the following comments are the expression of my personnal opinion. I have no commercial link with the listed companies and I cannot be held responsible for any problem you would have dealing with them.

Elby Design ASM1 & ASM2 kits from aussie land
MOTM A series of classical well done modules.
Music from outer space Ray Wilson is now offering PCBs with full assembly instruction, great stuff !
Oakley Sound System No longer saling kits but the schematics and assembly instruction can still be purchased
Paia Still there and doing well, good kits with well made assembly manuals, a place where to start

Analogue Synthesizer Manufacturers

DISCLAIMER (usual legal crap) : the following comments are the expression of my personnal opinion. I have no commercial link with the listed companies and I cannot be held responsible for any problem you would have dealing with them.

Alyseum New belgian company offering modules
Analogue Solutions Bristish synths, the patch matrix is back!
Analogue Systems Bristish synths, classical stuff
Arturia French company, first known for their analogue emulation softwares, now building hardware analogue synths
Buchla and associates After Moog, here is the return of yet another legend the Buchla 200e !
Club of the knobs Clone maker of Moog modular clones. A complete line of modules and cabinets.
CMS-Synth ARP-style synths and modules. Beautiful and dear.
Cyndustries A series of not so common modules with a MODCAN look. The archives of the Synapse fanzine can be found there!
CWEJMAN Sound A complete modular synth from scandinavia
Doepfer German company, complete series of classical modules + some weird controllers.
Eowave French company, house of the Persephone
MODCAN Canadian company, complete series of classical modules. The realm of banana jacks and the superb White B series.
Moog Music
MOS-LAB Moog modular clone modules from France, great stuff !
Mutable Instruments French company offering kits of hybrid synths (Shruthi-1), excellent stuff, nice prices If you always dreamed of having a big Moog-like modular of your own, that's the place to visit!

Sites dedicated to Analogue Synthesizers

Aries Main Plenty of infos, schematics about the Aries modular synth
ARPtech 1 Don Tillman's archive of Joachim Vergheses's site dedicated to ARP modules
ARPtech 2 Oldcrow's archive of Joachim Vergheses's site dedicated to ARP modules
ARP resources Don Tillman's page dedicated to ARP patents, very useful and interesting !
Bluesynths A very interesting site in German and in English full of information, pictures and sound clips for many vintage analogue synths
Buchla synths History and description of Buchla synths
EMS official The official site of EMS synths. Nice pictures.
EMS mods Modifications to improve EMS synths.
EMS in Germany Big pictures of unusual EMS models.
EMS vocoder Some interesting infos about EMS vocoders.
Moog Archives Complete, beautiful... THE SITE !!!! All you wanted to know about the legend.
Moog Modulars Infos about Moog modulars
Moog resources Don Tillman's page dedicated to Moog patents, very useful and interesting !
MiniMoog All the schematics of the Minimoog
Old-school sound A great resource, infos, forums, schematics, manuals. Oh by the way, although the name of this site is english, the content is all in French, sorry about that, chaps !
RSF official Infos about the only french synthesizer builder there was. Kobol, Polykobol... Made by the Fernandez Bross themselves...
RSF unofficial Infos about the Kobol, Polykobol...
Serge fans A lot about Serge modulars
Wavemaker A very complete site dedicated to Wavemaker synths. Pictures, brochures